Author name: admin

Dandruff I

Dandruff afflicts half the world. So, what exactly is dandruff? Also known medically as Pityriasis simplex, dandruff is a near-physiological scaling of the scalp. In other words, it is an active end of normal scalp shedding. In a normal scalp, the skin undergoes regular maturity and the topmost layer is seen to contain only 3,700 …

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Peeling I

Today everyone wants to know about peeling. It is the keyword in all forms of skin treatments. So, what is peeling?Chemical peeling is basically an accelerated form of exfoliation induced by a chemical cauterant or a scar-forming agent. Peeling is divided into superficial (epidermis to papillary dermis), medium depth (up to upper dermis) and deep …

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Peeling II

BEAUTY may be defined as a subjective sensory state of pleasant fulfillment ! VANITY is but the folly of our pursuits ! It is conceit about ones attainment or appearance, with a lot of Narcissism thrown in good measure ! Most vain people are dissatisfied, worried about what people think and have unrealistic expectations from …

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Air Supply

Wearing perfume is not just about personal hygiene but is a public issue too. Fragrances significantly contribute to our individuality, self-esteem and personal hygiene. Today they have become an indispensable part of our lives. The fascination with scents has resulted in a multitude of scented personal products in the market like cosmetics, lotions, soaps, oils …

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The Vein Train

Near-painless laser treatment for varcose veins is now available locally. Vascular and pigmented lesions, including leg veins, spider veins and telangiectasia, are now being treated – quickly, near-painlessly and effectively -right here in the UAE through the application of fourth generation laser technology. Most importantly, this technology makes such treatment possible on all skin colours, …

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Henna Painting

When Henna Painting can really get under your skin THE next time you decide to get a henna design think twice – you might just end up with more than what you paid for. Skin specialists in Sharjah report a number of cases where patients complain of skin inflammations, oozing, swelling and permanent skin discoloration …

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Ethnic Cosmetics

Conventionally ‘Race’ is defined as a group of individuals or populations with the same or similar external characters which have been determined by heredity. Racial differences in skin physiology and function have been minimally investigated. It is difficult to compare the potentially different behaviour of White, Black & Oriental skins precisely because of lack of …

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Skin Science

SKIN SCIENCE……….KNOW YOUR DERMATOLOGIST The other day , I happened to be filing away my previous articles when I noticed that in each article I had written ‘ see your dermatologist ‘. This set me thinking as to why I had found it necessary to say this. This was a subconcious thought which was penned …

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A cosmetic is defined as a ‘ beautifying substance or preparation’ or a ‘ substance tending to preserve, restore or confer comeliness’ (Dorland Medical Dictionary). This article aims at inculcating a rudimentary understanding of the types of cosmetics, their use, their storage & their possible side effects. What is the shelf life of cosmetics ? …

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Foot Care

Do not touch your feet to the ground, they will soil. Let flowers be strewn where you walk so that you will feel only their softness, which still cannot match the softness of your delicate feet ‘. These words were uttered by a romantic to his beloved in a popular Hindi film & since then …

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