Today everyone wants to know about peeling. It is the keyword in all forms of skin treatments. So, what is peeling?Chemical peeling is basically an accelerated form of exfoliation induced by a chemical cauterant or a scar-forming agent.
Peeling is divided into superficial (epidermis to papillary dermis), medium depth (up to upper dermis) and deep peels (up to mid papillary dermis).
Peels can be done for all skin types, albeit the type of peel and depth differs. Deep peels are best avoided for people with dark skin because of the unpredictability of post peel pigmentation.
The acids used are: For superficial peels – glycolic acids 50 to 70 per cent, TCA 10 to 30 per cent. Another form of superficial resurfacing I use is cryoslush, i.e use of dry ice (carbon). It is superficial, safe and leaves no pigmentation. Resorcinol 48 to 50 per cent.
For medium depth peels – we use 30 to 50 per cent TCA (trichloro acetic acid).For deep peels – phenol up to 88 per cent is used.Laser peels using carbon or Er YaG lasers is also in fashion but are to be done by only highly-trained doctors and skin colour is an absolute restriction.
What are Peels done for?
Peels are used to reduce or minimise skin changes of ageing, fine wrinkles, pigmentations, acne and acne scars. They also have a beneficial effect on other small scars and as rejuvenating or freshening up the appearance of the skin.
A point to note, results grow more dramatic and risks more perilous the deeper you go.Superficial and medium peels lift away mild wrinkling, unclog pores, lift pigments etc. The downside, it does not have dramatic results. Repeated sessions are necessary and patience is called for.
Deeper peels can literally mop up pigment cells and can cause a permanent bleaching effect in lighter skins and post peel pigmentation in dark skins. Pre peel counseling is a must and the patient must be told what to expect. Unrealistic expectations need to be doused and cost factor should also be worked out.
Home peels: Be careful of what you use because it can cause irritations especially in this part of the world due to dryness factor.Cosmetic wise, up to eight per cent AHA creams can be used at home regularly. Always use a sunblock in the day to enhance the results.
A professionally done dermato-logical peel accentuates the results and keeps you looking fresh and glowing.